088 600 6000
0899 130 130
078 52 90 10
Booking a taxi ONLINE. Using our booking dispatch system for ONLINE orders gives you the following advantages - save time, without talking with operator, follow in real time arriving the taxi. To make order you have to register once. To booking ONLINE we need to validate your phone number. Enter the number and we will send an SMS confirmation code. Fill in pickup address and destination. Indicate whether you will carry luggage, pet, etc. Your request is sent directly to our booking dispatch system. You will see the status of your request. You can write your opinion about the service provided.
What you should Know? Registration requires entering your phone number. Enter it carefully. If your address is entered incorrectly, our manager will ask you for clarification. If there are no available taxis to serv your order MEGA TAXI may to refuse order.
“МЕGА ТАXI - Кyustendil” is a company, founded in 1995,it is the most quickly developing taxi driving company in Kyustendil. The cars are equipped with modern GPS-system, that localize quickly the place and sending automatically exact order to the nearest car. The time for processing your orders is 4 seconds. Each car is serviced monthly and average age of the car park is 3 years. All the cars are cleaned and serviced evry day, equiped with air condition systems, free Wi-Fi,extinguisher, first aid set, and all necessary safety devices. The cars satisfy the existing Bulgarian normative orders entirely. The cars are driven by qualified drivers. They are always polite, wearing special uniform: shirt, long trousers, shoes or long skirt for woman. The company has a good reputation among the clients as the best taxi driving company in Kyustendil. MEGA TAXI - Kyustendil, with other partner companies, invests in its own software project for management and dispatch of taxis ID TAXI
Mega taxi Ltd
ul. Spartak 32, Kyustendil, Bulgaria
+359 88 600 6000
+359 899 130 130
+359 78 52 90 10